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How to Order Ocular Tissue from Southern Eye Bank

Welcome to our team! Southern Eye Bank prides itself on distributing ocular tissue to surgeons who need corneal tissue, sclera patches, or education and research tissue. Because of the generosity of Louisianans, Southern Eye Bank is can provide this gift to those in need.

If you would like to set up an on-line account to order tissue, please contact the distribution team at 1-855-309-8243 or [email protected]”.

Share patient success stories!

If you have a patient who would like to share their story, please contact us. We will share their story with future recipients and also with donor families who have graciously and selflessly donated their loved one’s ocular tissue.

Your patients may write their donor’s family.

For information on how to do this, see the recipient correspondence guidelines. Or have the recipient call us at 504-891-3937.

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