Employee Spotlight: Megan Lopez


Say hello to Megan Lopez…

Megan Lopez Employee SpotlightWhat is your job title?
Laboratory Coordinator

How long have you worked for SEB?
I was a recovery technician for about 1.5 years. I briefly left SEB but I returned in 2016. I have been in my current position for about 4.5 years.

How does your work help donation?
The laboratory coordinators are the behind-the-scenes people who make sure that the generous gifts these donors and their families have selflessly given us are able to find homes with recipients who are in need of corneal transplants. We are the brief layover between the tissue recovery process and the actual transplantation process. We make sure that the tissue is safe for transplant and then work with various domestic and international partners (surgeons, researchers, other eye banks, etc.) to try to make sure all gifts can help someone in need.

Why is your work important to you?
I love being able to help facilitate corneal transplants for those in need of such a life changing procedure. Since my job requires me to review donor medical records in order to make sure every tissue is safe for transplant, I get to know at least a little bit about every donor’s story even though I never had the opportunity to meet them. Finding recipients for their gifts and helping our donors’ legacy live on by helping someone else regain their vision is really rewarding, and I am so thankful to get to be a small part in that every day.

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