Our Values


At Southern Eye Bank, our unique corporate culture guides our internal and external actions each and every day and is rooted in the following five core values:

1. Dedication

We are passionate about helping people see the world and sensitive to the wishes and sentiments of donors and their families who make the decision to donate tissue at a very difficult time. We are honored to fulfill this mission because we are dedicated to making a difference.

2. Efficiency

We take pride in our strong work ethic that enables us to provide exceptional rates of recovered and transplanted corneas. We have acquired a global reputation for delivering corneal tissue on time and as described based on efficient and technologically advanced work processes, and we constantly strive to improve.

3. Quality

We are committed individually and collectively to delivering high-quality results at all times. This commitment to excellence drives all we do.

4. Integrity

We have earned our reputation as a leader in eye banking and related activity based on the honesty, ethics and integrity we bring to all transactions and interactions with every internal and external stakeholder.

5. Family

Our dedication to our mission unites us in the effort to end corneal blindness, fostering a shared sense of purpose and strong bond among employees that translates into a close work family environment.

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